Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
I have always been passionate about teaching and education, even from when I was a student myself. Just a snapshot of my previous teaching portfolio includes:
Completing a Postgraduate Certificate in Education for Healthcare Professionals in 2010
Becoming a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of Medicine in 2011.
Honorary Clinical Lecturer for the University of Birmingham 2007-2009.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course instructor since 2013
Faculty on a UK national course on Hand Fracture Management using chicken bones as fracture models for trainee hand surgeons to fix.
Faculty on the UK’s first ever WALANT surgery course.
I have organised and led mock FRCS exams for Orthopaedic Registrars on 3 occasions as well as teaching hand and wrist surgery regularly on their rolling programme
Helped set up a Hand Therapy Service in North Devon and trained the therapists
Nik teaching a hand fracture course in Sudan
I still take a very active role in education with my current Consultant role including:
Junior Doctor and Education Lead for Orthopaedics in North Devon since 2018.
Setting up appraisals and ARCPs for trust-grade doctors
Senior Clinical Tutor for University of Exeter Medical School since 2021 including
Clinical placement design and implementation for all 3rd - 5th year clinical Undergraduate students in Barnstaple
Training of clinical assessors
Appointing and training Junior Teaching Fellows
Design, building, stocking and manning a Clinical Skills Lab
Distribution of funding to all clinicians in the hospital involved in undergraduate training.
OSCE examination of students
Interviewing prospective medical students
Working in a team to ensure the best possible clinical experience for students and helping solve pastoral issues that arise.
Nik training Orthopaedic trainees in Malawi
Overseas Education in LMICs (Low and Middle-Income Countries):
WALANT training around Africa and Asia both in person and on many webinars
BSSH Global Partnership Committee missions
WALANT in Practice Webinar whole day course, Mozambique. 2023.
BSSH Global webinar programme through (and since) the Covid pandemic
Nik Jagodzinski - Teaching in Myanmar - BSSH.